My Little Pony Galore

(My first four ponies when I started collecting again!)

Hello lovelies!

 I have to admit: I am, and always have been, a great MLP fan. I played with them when I was a little child (the ponies of the 1st generation, that is), I watched all the animated movies and loved them with all my heart. I'm a 90s kid, so I grew up with them and every Christmas, I knew a shiny, new pony would smile at me when I had unwrapped it. It's great that MLP still exists, though I don't really like their latest generation of ponies. I liked the chubbiness and the dreamy eyes of the 1st generation more. Anyway, the last two years, my interest in MLP has freshened again. I started collecting them again (I didn't keep ANY of my old ponies, such a shame....*crying silently*) by asking friends and luckily some of them still had a 1st generation pony for me. When going to a thrift shop my heart always pounds when going to the toy section, hoping there will be a little pony waiting for me... Unfortunately, the greatest part of the world knows that these ponies are some kind of vintage now and rather expensive when you want to collect them. I've been lucky a few times to find some ponies in a thrift shop, but I guess those were really blessed moments... 
Right now I have about fourty little darlings, most of them are of the 1st generation, the others are from later generations. I bought a huge galore last summer via internet, for a very small price, so you could imagine my excitement!

Anyway, the reason why I'm telling you all this, is because I'm going t use MANY My Little Ponies in the 90s Nostalgia issue. I guess around fourty ponies will do, right? :) I'm planning on doing a little shoot with the darlings and maybe I'll make some artwork or drawings, I still don't know yet. What do you think?

And remember, if you'd like to contribute to the 90s Nostalgia issue, please let me know! Go to this page for more info <3 


