Looking for contributors!

All hail the 90s princess: Drew Barrymore! Holy Glitter Zine is looking for new contributors for the second issue "90s Nostalgia".

For issue #2 90S NOSTALGIA I'm looking for:

Have some sweet childhood memories from growing up in the 90s? Share them with your fellow 90s lovers in the second issue of HGZ. Remember My Little Pony, Polly Pocket, all the awesome 90s candy, TV series and music? Turn those memories in lovely artwork or poems <3 Photo series, artwork, articles, drawings, poems, DIYs, any submission will do!

Deadline for submissions created for #2 90S NOSTALGIA: March 23th 2015

Submissions can be turned in by sending it to holyglitterzine@gmail.com. If you have any questions or if you would like to contribute, but want to discuss things first, please contact me <3


Submissions guidelines

* Please send in your submission BEFORE the deadline
* I like things which are a bit cheeky and provoking, but don't disrespect others
*When you're submitting photographs of other people, ask them first if they're okay with being published on the world wide web a.k.a. a magical place where everyone can look at you
* Please send in your very OWN work. Don't use others, that's just rude
* Your name (and website/blog) will definitely get mentioned in the zine! Everything you submit is, and always will be, yours.

I'm always looking for:
-photo series
-digital art



E-mail: holyglitterzine@gmail.com