Pokémon Mania

Hello all!It's been a while since I last posted on the website, sorry about that! I've been working on the online shop AND I've been working on a very special project... my own Pokémon outfit, yay! A while ago I bought a Pokémon children bedsheet at a thrift shop, then not knowing what I wanted to do with it. But after some time I realized I needed a cool outfit for carnaval (a festive weekend in the Netherlands where people dress themselves and go out to party) and I decided the bedsheet was the perfect opportunity to create an original party outfit. So together with my mom (the perfect sewing queen), I succeeded to make both a skirt and a small vest out of it, together with some cute, chubby pins. I then bought a white cap and with the help of some red paint, I also succeeded to transform the white cap into the cap of Ash. In the end, I looked like the ultimate Pokémon girl haha! I received many enthusiastic reactions and I was very proud of my selfmade outfit. So proud that I really want it to be in the 90S NOSTALGIA issue!Soon I'll be having a shoot with the outfit and it will be a total Pokémon mania! I collected some Pokémon items over the last few years and I'll make sure to include them in the shoot as well. Hurray for Pokémon! Are there any other Pokémon lovers out there?



E-mail: holyglitterzine@gmail.com