I've got big, biiiiig news!! My friend Michael is making a documentary about Holy Glitter Zine, right at this moment! A freakin' documentary, whaaaaat?!?! How cool is that?!

Last Sunday he came to visit my house to shoot the video and interview me. We also visited the Swan Market together ( a market in an old train hall where people sell food, (vintage) clothing, interior accessories, jewelry and so on) and had a cupcake :) We had a very fun day; I could just work on the content for the Easter Special while he was filming me doing all my creative work haha :p

The documentary will be in Dutch, but I will try to add some English subtitles, so everyone can understand. It will be done in a few weeks, I will keep you posted and ofcourse share the video with all of you when it's finished :)



E-mail: holyglitterzine@gmail.com