Easter Special

Hello there! Last year I did the first Holy Glitter special for Halloween. Since I absolutely love Halloween and since I liked to try something new, the Halloween Special was created and I truly loved it! That's why I decided to create a new special, this time completely Easter themed! I don't love Easter as much as I love Halloween, but it's still a perfect holiday filled with pastel, nice food and chocolates, cute decorations and ofcourse family <3 

That's why I'm looking for Easter submissions. Do you have a funny story about your Easter family dinner, do you have the cutest pastel Easter sweaters or do you know yummy recipes for the Easter days, then feel free to send them to holyglitterzine@gmail.com and get featured in the Easter Special!

The Easter Special will be out during the Easter weekend (March 25, 26 or 27!).



E-mail: holyglitterzine@gmail.com