3rd issue announcement...

YESSS! Since the 2nd issue of HGZ will be published tomorrow, it is time to reveal the theme of the 3rd issue by now. Drum roll please.... The theme for the 3rd HGZ issue will be Universe Unique!
This includes the galaxy, all planets, stars, the moon, aliens, extra terrestrials, UFO's, alien abductions, space rangers, rockets, black holes, glow in the dark, constellations and so on and so on...

Basically everything which has to do with the beauty of the Universe! I already have some ideas for the content of the issue. For example a 'how to' for turning your bedroom into one giant galaxy, an article about aliens and E.T.'s we love in movies and series, constellations drawings and much more!

If you'd like to contribute to this amazing 3rd issue, please go to this page!

The Universe Unique issue will be published in May or June. More info about the actual date will follow in a few weeks!



E-mail: holyglitterzine@gmail.com